Safeguarding Training Course

There is always a risk of misconducts happening in an organization where large number of people are engaged in day-to-day activities. It becomes vitally important to find out individuals at risk and take the right measures to avoid the mis happenings.
Our safeguarding training teaches you the ways you can safeguard the individuals at risk, both children and adults. Our aim is to provide you with a professional approach to safeguard the individuals at risk.
Our safeguarding courses are carried in an interactive and student oriented approach, so that, you learn everything in all the possible details and ask a lot of questions to clarify your doubts. Safeguarding training can help you in stopping abuse of children, woman and elderly in an organisation. Our courses are always in sync with the modern safeguarding practices.
Safeguarding training is one of the most important trainings you can receive as a professional. It can be a difference between the life and death of individuals at risk. Safeguard training can help improve the relationships among the individuals in an organisation. Here is what is included in the course:

- Domestic Abuse – It’s Time to Talk
- Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
- Safeguarding Adults and Children – Combined Course
- Mental Health Awareness and the Mental Capacity Act
- Modern Day Slavery
- Lone Working and Risk Management
- The Care Act 2014 – Overview
- Professional Boundaries